Results for 'Edgar Daniel Manchinelly Mota'

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  1.  18
    Gustavo Leyva, La filosofía en México en el siglo XX : un ensayo de reconstrucción histórico-sistemática : [reseña].Edgar Daniel Manchinelly Mota - 2022 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 20 (140):211.
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  2. Connecting the Americas Through Argumentation.Daniel Mejia, H. R. Mota & Michael D. Baumtrog - 2022 - Argumentation and Advocacy 58 (3-4):196-213.
    This article synthesizes the results of several interviews with argumentation scholars from across the American continents to address three questions regarding the connections in argumentation studies between North and South/Central America: “What motivated the study of argumentation in the Americas?” “What commonalities, if any, exist in argumentation studies across the Americas?” and “What should the future of argumentation studies in the Americas look like?” Using these interviews in combination with existing textual sources, the article also provides motivated suggestions for directions (...)
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    On the neutrality and values of artifacts.Daniel de Vasconcelos Costa & Pedro Fior Mota de Andrade - 2024 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 29 (1).
    This paper criticizes the thesis of the neutrality of moral values of artifacts, and makes the case for a proposal known as Value Sensitive Design, which states that moral values must be considered in the construction and analysis of artifacts. First, (1) we will present the best defense of the thesis of the neutrality of moral values of artifacts, made by Joseph Pitt. In the following, (2) we will criticize each of the arguments presented by Pitt in favor of the (...)
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  4. Temática y estructura empresarial de los principales blogs españoles desde una perspectiva de género: las chicas no son blogueras.Iker Merchán Mota, Daniel García González & Leire Iturregui Mardaras - 2013 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 94:122-132.
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    Linking process and measurement models of recognition-based decisions.Daniel W. Heck & Edgar Erdfelder - 2017 - Psychological Review 124 (4):442-471.
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    Special Supplement: Biomedical Ethics and the Shadow of Nazism.Daniel Callahan, Arthur Caplan, Harold Edgar, Laurence McCullough, Tabitha M. Powledge, Margaret Steinfels, Peter Steinfels, Robert M. Veatch, Joseph Walsh, Joel Colton, Lucy S. Dawidowicz, Milton Himmelfarb & Telford Taylor - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (4):1.
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    Special Supplement: MBD, Drug Research and the Schools.Daniel Callahan, Leslie Dach, Harold Edgar, Willard Gaylin, Gerald Klerman, Ruth Macklin, Robert Michels, Robert C. Neville, David Rothman, Margaret Steinfels, Judith P. Swazey, George J. Annas, Larry Brown, Albert DiMascio, Daniel X. Freedman, George Hein, Hubert Jones, Melvin H. King, Ronald Lipman, Sheila Rothman & Robert L. Sprague - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (3):1.
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    The advantages of model fitting compared to model simulation in research on preference construction.Edgar Erdfelder, Marta Castela, Martha Michalkiewicz & Daniel W. Heck - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Physical Manipulation of the Brain.Henry K. Beecher, Edgar A. Bering, Donald T. Chalkley, José M. R. Delgado, Vernon H. Mark, Karl H. Pribram, Gardner C. Quarton, Theodore B. Rasmussen, William Beecher Scoville, William H. Sweet, Daniel Callahan, K. Danner Clouser, Harold Edgar, Rudolph Ehrensing, James R. Gavin, Willard Gaylin, Bruce Hilton, Perry London, Robert Michels, Robert Neville, Ann Orlov, Herbert G. Vaughan, Paul Weiss & Jose M. R. Delgado - 1973 - Hastings Center Report 3 (Special Supplement):1.
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    Abortion: The New Ruling.Emily C. Moore, Harold Edgar, Karen A. Lebacqz & Daniel Callahan - 1973 - Hastings Center Report 3 (2):4.
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  11. Cognição e linguagem: seria a linguagem um desafio para abordagens enativistas?Hugo Mota & Iana Valença - 2019 - A Mente Humana Para Além Do Cérebro – Perspectivas a Partir Dos 4Es da Cognição.
    Investigamos o problema da continuidade entre (1) cognições básicas e (2) complexas, especificamente em relação à linguagem. Nossa hipótese é a de que visões contemporâneas da linguagem não inviabilizam necessariamente a abordagem bottom-up ― abordagens tipicamente enativistas. Primeiro apresentamos a posição de Daniel Hutto e Erik Myin (2013, 2017), representantes do Radically Enactive Cognition (REC), a qual assume o desafio da continuidade e identifica na linguagem o critério para uma distinção de tipo entre (1) e (2). Em seguida, estabelecemos (...)
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    Robert Daniel Miller 1910-1972.Edgar H. Henderson & Robert W. Beard - 1971 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 45:218 -.
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    Magnetoencephalographic Imaging of Auditory and Somatosensory Cortical Responses in Children with Autism and Sensory Processing Dysfunction.Demopoulos Carly, Yu Nina, Tripp Jennifer, Mota Nayara, N. Brandes-Aitken Anne, S. Desai Shivani, S. Hill Susanna, D. Antovich Ashley, Harris Julia, Honma Susanne, Mizuiri Danielle, S. Nagarajan Srikantan & J. Marco Elysa - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  14.  42
    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Bernard J. Kohlbrenner, Edgar B. Gumbert, Richard Wisniewski, Daniel Dorotich, James R. Sheffield, George W. Bilicic, Frank A. Stone, Thomas P. Gleason, Richard S. Pelczar, H. C. Sherman, Kal I. Gezi & Anand Malik - 1974 - Educational Studies 5 (1-2):52-61.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]John T. Zepper, Edgar B. Gumbert, Daniel P. Huden, William P. Mclemore, William T. Lowe, Donald Warren, Roy R. Nasstrom, Stan Schoeman & Robert Nicholas Berard - 1983 - Educational Studies 14 (1):64-92.
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    Special Supplement: The XYY Controversy: Researching Violence and Genetics.Diane Bauer, Ronald Bayer, Jonathan Beckwith, Gordon Bermant, Digamber S. Borgaonkar, Daniel Callahan, Arthur Caplan, John Conrad, Charles M. Culver, Gerald Dworkin, Harold Edgar, Willard Gaylin, Park Gerald, Clarence Harris, Johnathan King, Ruth Macklin, Allan Mazur, Robert Michels, Carola Mone, Rosalind Petchesky, Tabitha M. Powledge, Reed E. Pyeritz, Arthur Robinson, Thomas Scanlon, Saleem A. Shah, Thomas A. Shannon, Margaret Steinfels, Judith P. Swazey, Paul Wachtel & Stanley Walzer - 1980 - Hastings Center Report 10 (4):1.
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    Identification of emotional facial expressions among behaviorally inhibited adolescents with lifetime anxiety disorders.Bethany C. Reeb-Sutherland, Lela Rankin Williams, Kathryn A. Degnan, Koraly Pérez-Edgar, Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Ellen Leibenluft, Daniel S. Pine, Seth D. Pollak & Nathan A. Fox - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (2):372-382.
  18.  22
    Characterization of Reproductive and Morphological Variables in Female Elite Futsal Players.Marcos Roberto Queiroga, Danilo Fernandes da Silva, Sandra Aires Ferreira, Vinícius Müller Reis Weber, Daniel Zanardini Fernandes, Timothy Gustavo Cavazzotto, Bruno Sergio Portela, Marcus Peikriszwili Tartaruga, Matheus Amarante Nascimento & Edgar Ramos Vieira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We aimed to characterize the age of onset of training, age at menarche, menstrual periodicity, and performance perception during the menstrual cycle and examined the impact of these reproductive variables on body composition, morphology, and body weight satisfaction in Brazilian elite futsal players. The study consisted of 115 female Brazilian elite futsal players from the top national teams. Data were collected during the twentieth Women’s Brazil Futsal Cup. Players were interviewed and self-reported their age of onset of training, age at (...)
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  19. Intentional attribution and rationality: A critical reading of Dennett’s Intentional Attribution Program.Edgar Eslava - 2016 - Revista Filosofía Uis 15 (1).
    In this paper I introduce some of the key elements of Daniel Dennett’s theory of intentional attribution and their relation with his notion of rationality. While doing so I will show that Dennett’s approach implies a circularity in the process of attribution of rationality, and that his resource to evolutionary arguments for trying to avoid an infinite regress does not help him to avoid the problem. My presentation will include a revision of Dennett’s arguments for epistemic intentional ascription and (...)
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    Popular Culture in the Houses of Poe and Cortázar.Daniel Bautista - 2010 - Intertexts 14 (1):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Popular Culture in the Houses of Poe and CortázarDaniel Bautista (bio)"[…]at the age of nine I read Edgar Allan Poe for the first time. That book I stole to read because my mother didn't want me to read it, she thought I was too young and she was right. The book scared me and I was ill for three months, because I believed in it."…—Julio Cortázar1In interviews and (...)
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    Approaches to the philosophy of religion.Daniel J. Bronstein - 1969 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press. Edited by Harold M. Schulweis.
    Chapter One WHAT IS RELIGION?. Edgar S. Brightman 7. Alfred North Whitehead X. William Ernest Hocking 8. Albert Einstein 5. William James 9. ...
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    Résistances intellectuelles: les combats de la pensée critique.Nicolas Truong & Daniel Bougnoux (eds.) - 2013 - La Tour d'Aigues: Éditions de l'Aube.
    Trente et un penseurs, parmi lesquels Jacques Derrida, Françoise Héritier, Edgar Morin, Jean-Luc Nancy, Michel Onfray ou encore Jacques Rancière, pour comprendre les errements et les raisons d'espérer d'une planète convulsée. Dix-neuf entretiens et débats avec les intellectuels les plus engagés dans la réflexion sur le temps présent dressent un état des lieux des questions qui taraudent notre modernité. Issu du Théâtre des idées, cycle de rencontres intellectuelles du Festival d'Avignon (2004-2012), ces dialogues singuliers s'attachent à faire vivre l'esprit (...)
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  23. Panoramas as Projections of the Unconscious in Nineteenth-Century Fiction.Julie Boldt, James Elkins, Arthur Kolat & Daniel Weiskopf - 2024 - In Molly C. Briggs, Thorsten Logge & Nicholas C. Lowe, Panoramic and Immersive Media Studies Yearbook. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 105-119.
    This essay explores a theory of panoramas put forward by the experimental postwar German novelist and translator Arno Schmidt. Schmidt claims that panoramas were so pervasive in the visual culture of the nineteenth century that they unconsciously influenced writers of the period, so that when they wanted to describe vast landscapes they unthinkingly framed their descriptions by drawing on experience with specific panoramas. He primarily expounds the theory in his longest work of fiction, Zettel’s Traum (1970), translated as Bottom’s Dream (...)
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    'n Huldigingswoord aan Daniel Jacobus Booysen, Edgar Engelbrecht en Hendrik Gerhardus van der Westhuizen.S. J. Botha - 1998 - HTS Theological Studies 54 (1/2).
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    Cine y filosofía: las entrevistas de Fata Morgana.Emilio Bernini, Roberto De Gaetano, Daniele Dottorini & Nuccio Ordine (eds.) - 2015 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: El Cuenco de Plata.
    Pensar en el cine como ocasión y potencia del pensamiento significa en efecto, en primer lugar, sustraer la imagen contemporánea del dominio de los estudios especializados y, en segundo lugar, pensar a partir de aquello que el cine crea (como recordaba Deleuze): esto es, las imágenes mismas. El cine redescubre su potencia a través de sus propias formas. Entrevistas de la revista italiana Fata Morgana con: Jacques Rancière, Roberto Esposito, Jean-luc Nancy, Slavoj Zizek, Julia Kristeva, Werner Herzog, Raúl Ruiz, Yervant (...)
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  26. Synsoplevede Figurer.Edgar Rubin - 1915
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    Why imaginary worlds? The psychological foundations and cultural evolution of fictions with imaginary worlds.Edgar Dubourg & Nicolas Baumard - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e276.
    Imaginary worlds are extremely successful. The most popular fictions produced in the last few decades contain such a fictional world. They can be found in all fictional media, from novels (e.g., Lord of The Rings and Harry Potter) to films (e.g., Star Wars and Avatar), video games (e.g., The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy), graphic novels (e.g., One Piece and Naruto), and TV series (e.g., Star Trek and Game of Thrones), and they date as far back as ancient literature (...)
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  28. The Limits of Experience and Explanation: F. A. Lange and Ernst Mach on Things in Themselves.Scott Edgar - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (1):100-121.
    In the middle of the nineteenth century, advances in experimental psychology and the physiology of the sense organs inspired so-called "Back to Kant" Neo-Kantians to articulate robustly psychologistic visions of Kantian epistemology. But their accounts of the thing in itself were fraught with deep tension: they wanted to conceive of things in themselves as the causes of our sensations, while their own accounts of causal inference ruled that claim out. This paper diagnoses the source of that problem in views of (...)
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  29. Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance.Edgar Wind - 1958 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 19 (1):104-105.
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  30.  56
    The theory of morals.Edgar Frederick Carritt - 1928 - Greenwood Press.
  31.  7
    Lugar de trabajo y sentido común democrático: el efecto derrame y su reverso.Edgar Manjarín - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (2):97-109.
    El efecto "derrame" (spillover) de la participación en el lugar de trabajo a la vida pública (Pateman, 1970) ha suscitado una nueva investigación predominantemente empírica, desprovista de resultados significativos, desvirtuando los elementos normativos fundamentales sin considerar la evolución del contexto histórico e institucional del trabajo. Una reinterpretación explorada del efecto reverso puede revelar cómo las transformaciones de las grandes empresas desde los años setenta, impulsadas por la contraofensiva neoliberal, han minado la participación democrática de los trabajadores. La obra de Pateman (...)
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    The evolution of music: One trait, many ultimate-level explanations.Edgar Dubourg, Jean-Baptiste André & Nicolas Baumard - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    We propose an approach reconciling the ultimate-level explanations proposed by Savage et al. and Mehr et al. as to why music evolved. We also question the current adaptationist view of culture, which too often fails to disentangle distinct fitness benefits.
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    Somaesthetics and Sport.Andrew Edgar & William Morgan (eds.) - 2022 - Brill.
    The contributors to _Somaesthetics and Sport_ explore our embodied experiences of watching and playing sport, including sport’s beauty; the place of exercise in our sense of living a good life; and how we cope with pain and suffering.
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    Sportworld.Andrew Edgar - 2013 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 7 (1):30 - 54.
    (2013). Sportworld. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy: Vol. 7, Sport and Art: An Essay in the Hermeneutics of Sport, pp. 30-54. doi: 10.1080/17511321.2013.761881.
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    Integrity and the moral complexity of professional practice.Andrew Edgar & Stephen Pattison - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (2):94-106.
    The paper offers an account of integrity as the capacity to deliberate and reflect usefully in the light of context, knowledge, experience, and information (that of self and others) on complex and conflicting factors bearing on action or potential action. Such an account of integrity seeks to encompass the moral complexity and conflict of the professional environment, and the need for compromises in professional practice. In addition, it accepts that humans are social beings who must respect and engage with the (...)
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  36. Measuring trends in online hate speech victimisation and exposure, and attitudes in New Zealand.Edgar Pacheco & Neil Melhuish - 2019 - Netsafe.
    Government agencies in New Zealand are not required to systematically collect data on online hate speech, thus, there is a lack of longitudinal evidence regarding this phenomenon. This report presents trends in personal experiences of and exposure to online hate speech among adult New Zealanders based on nationally representative data. The findings from this study are also compared with results from a similar research study conducted in 2018. In addition, this report explores people’s perceptions about other issues related to hate (...)
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    Robert Grosseteste, Albumasar, and Medieval Tidal Theory.Edgar Laird - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):684-694.
  38.  67
    The Modernism of Sport.Andrew Edgar - 2013 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 7 (1):121-139.
    In the previous chapter ‘The Beauty of Sport', I made a distinction between classical and modernist aesthetics. The classical is exemplified in eighteenthcentury art criticism and its use of the la...
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    Wales vs Ukraine.Andrew Edgar - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (3):251-253.
    On 5th June 2022 Wales played Ukraine for a place in the FIFA World Cup finals, which are due to be held in Qatar in November and December 2022.I suspect that all right-mined people wanted Ukraine...
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    The birth of sport.Andrew Edgar - unknown
    Danto, in a somewhat Hegelian manner, argues that art is an alienated form of philosophy. My contention is that sport, too, is an alienated form of philosophy. In making his argument, Danto (1981,...
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    The hermeneutic challenge of genetic engineering: Habermas and the transhumanists.Edgar Andrew Robert - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (2):157-167.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact that developments in transhumanist technologies may have upon human cultures (and thus upon the lifeworld), and to do so by exploring a potential debate between Habermas and the transhumanists. Transhumanists, such as Nick Bostrom, typically see the potential in genetic and other technologies for positively expanding and transcending human nature. In contrast, Habermas is a representative of those who are fearful of this technology, suggesting that it will compound the deleterious (...)
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  42. The cosmopolitan and the noumenal : a case study of Islamic jihadist night dreams as reported sources of spiritual and political inspiration.Iain Edgar & David Henig - 2012 - In Dimitrios Theodossopoulos & Elisabeth Kirtsoglou, United in discontent: local responses to cosmopolitanism and globalization. New York: Berghahn Books.
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    The Art of Useless Suffering.Andrew Edgar - 2007 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (4):95-405.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the role that modernism in the arts might have in articulating the uselessness and incomprehensibility of physical and mental suffering. It is argued that the experience of illness is frequently resistant to interpretation, and as such, it will be suggested, to conventional forms of artistic expression and communication. Conventional narratives, and other beautiful or conventionally expressive aesthetic structures, that presuppose the possibility and desirability of an harmonious and meaningful resolution to conflicts and (...)
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  44.  30
    The philosophy of sport.Andrew Edgar - unknown
    Philosophy as a discipline is typically characterized through the use of rigorous argument and analysis, and the clarification of the meaning of concepts. Philosophical problems are thus resolved, not through the appeal to empirical evidence, but by identifying inconsistent and confusing patterns of thought and reflection. This paper will clarify the nature of a philosophical methodology by explicating the relationship between the philosophy of sport and the core traditional areas of philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, axiology and logic.
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    The phenomenology of abnormal belief: A philosophical and psychiatric inquiry.Edgar Jones - 1999 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 6 (1):1-16.
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    Bolzano's Method of Variation.Edgar Morscher - 1997 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 53 (1):139-165.
    Bernard Bolzano's most fruitful invention was his method of variation. He used it in defining such fundamental logical concepts as logical consequence, analyticity and probability. The following three puzzles concerning this method of variation seem particularly worth considering, (i) How can we define the range of variation of an idea or the categorial conformity of two ideas without already using the concept of variation? This question was raised by Mark Siebel in his M. A. thesis, (ii) Why must we define (...)
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    Posthumanism in the age of Humanism: mind, matter, and the life sciences after Kant.Edgar Landgraf (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The literary and scientific renaissance that struck Germany around 1800 is usually taken to be the cradle of contemporary humanism. Posthumanism in the Age of Humanism shows how figures like Immanuel Kant and Johann Wolfgang Goethe as well as scientists specializing in the emerging modern life and cognitive sciences not only established but also transgressed the boundaries of the “human.” This period so broadly painted as humanist by proponents and detractors alike also grappled with ways of challenging some of humanism's (...)
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  48.  26
    (1 other version)The theory of beauty.Edgar Frederick Carritt - 1978 - Norwood, PA: Norwood Editions.
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    What is beauty?Edgar Frederick Carritt - 1932 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
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    The Problem of Sovereignty: Reading Hobbes through the Eyes of Hannah Arendt.Edgar Straehle - 2019 - Hobbes Studies 32 (1):71-91.
    In this paper I examine how Hobbes’ philosophy can be read from an Arendtian perspective. I argue that Arendt provided two different interpretations of Hobbes: one set down in The Origins of Totalitarianism, where Hobbes is depicted as the spokesman of the emerging bourgeoisie; and another that she developed later, scattered among various texts such as The Human Condition and Between Past and Future. I focus on this second interpretation and on her analysis of concepts such as common sense, authority (...)
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